"Seks xəstəsi olan qız" Erotik Hekayeler Sex Hekayeler
Seks Xəstəsi Olan Qız
Nimfomaniya seksual aktivlik deməkdir.Seks xəstəsi yaxud hiperseksual qız nə demək olduğunu bilməyənlər ingilis Victoria Betteridge həyayı ilə tanış olsun. İngiltərədə mühafizəkar, dindar bir ailədə böyüyən, illik haqqı 7000 funt olan qızlar məktəbində oxuyan Viktoriya Betteridge-yə katolik valideynləri oğlanlarla görüşməyi qadağan edib. 18 yaşınadək bir oğlanla belə öpüşməyən Viktoriyanın həyatı Oksford Universitetinə qəbul olandan sonra tamamilə dəyişib. Verdiyi məlumata görə, o, ilk dəfə Universitetdə sərxoş olub və Tom adlı bir gənclə öpüşüb.Ancaq ilk günlər onların münasibəti cinsi əlaqə olmadan davam edib. Görüşün 6-cı ayında isə cəsarətini toplayıb və bəkarətini Toma hədiyyə edib. Elə o gündən də seks düşkününə çevrilib. Viktoriya Tomla gündə ən azı 3 dəfə sekslə məşğul olub. Ancaq zaman keçdikcə Tom Viktoriyanın seksual tələbatını ödəməkdə çətinlik çəkib və onlar ayrılıblar.Qız bir həftə keçməmiş özünə yeni sevgili tapıb. Ancaq bir nəfərin onun seksual tələbatını davamlı ödəməkdə çətinlik çəkdiyini görüb, hər gecə bir nəfər kişi taparaq, yaşamağa üstünlük verib. Hazırda 29 yaşında olan Viktoriya deyir ki, həftədə ən azı 2 yeni kişi ilə yatır. Oksford Universitetini qurtardıqdan sonra Londona gəlir, hər gecə bara gedir, bəyəndiyi bir kişinin qarşısında erotik rəqs edirb və sonra da yaxınlaşaraq ona içki sifariş etməsini istəyir. Sonra da yataqda… Viktoriya bildirir ki, 9 il ərzində ən azı 900 kişi ilə cinsi əlaqədə olub: “Kişilər bunu həmişə edirlər. Qadınlar niyə etməsinlər?”.Bununla belə, seks düşkünlüyündən qurtarmaq, evlənərək uşaq sahibi olmaq istəyən Viktoriya hazırda enerjisini boşaltmaq üçün idman salonlarına getməyə başlayıb. “Cinsi əlaqəyə mənim qədər meyl göstərən birini tapsam, evlənərəm”, – deyir. İngilis dilində Viktoriya haqqında oxusanız məncə daha yaxşı başa düşəcəksiniz. Victoria Betteridge, who comes from Hertfordshire, revealed that her parents were devout Catholics and she grew up in a private girls’ boarding school where guys were banned before she started to get naughty. And now, the Oxford graduate has not held back any details of her sex antics.”I know most girls say their first time isn’t great, but I couldn’t get over how incredible it felt! I’d never had anyone touch my bare flesh before – it was amazing. I just wanted to do it over and over again,” the News of the World quoted her as saying. Victoria recollected her first affair with a guy named Tom, she said: “If we didn’t have sex at least three times a day, I felt moody and irritable. “But Tom didn’t want to spend all day in bed. He wanted to meet his mates or study for his course. In the end, we broke up by mutual agreement – I think Tom wanted a relationship that was more than just sex.” She further revealed that she would pick up men from bars for one nightstand. She said: “I didn’t care who he was or what he did. All I was thinking about was having sex and feeling good.” “I’d go to student bars and clubs, dance provocatively in front of a man I fancied, then ask him to buy me a drink – it was that easy,” Victoria shrugs. “Most of the blokes thought I was a ‘cool bird’ and liked the fact I took control and only wanted sex. I regularly slept with at least two guys a week – sometimes more. But I didn’t feel slutty. I was making up for lost time! Men do it all the time, so why shouldn’t women?” she adds defiantly. Victoria’s night rendezvous continued after moving into a flat with five girls in her second year. She said: “We’d recommend men to each other. We’d tell each other whether they were good in bed or not. None of us ever got possessive over one boy – we just made sure we all had fun and enjoyed ourselves.” She was also introduced to swinging by one of her friends. She added: “We all went to London for the weekend and visited an elite swingers club. It was amazing. Everyone was up for having sex with everyone else.”The fact that we all knew that’s what we were there for made it feel both hedonistic and exciting. That night, I had two threesomes and even tried group sex. I can’t tell you how many people I had sex with in total, but it was the most thrilling, satisfying, fulfilling thing I’ve ever done.” However, Victoria insisted that she wasn’t allowed to meet boys by her parents in childhood. She said: “People presume I’ve been promiscuous from day one, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.” “While all my friends were going to the cinema with boys or flirting at discos, I was playing Scrabble with my parents, riding my horse or going to church,” she says. “My father made it very clear when I turned 13 that boys were not to be a part of my life. He was worried my schoolwork would suffer. He’d sent me to a 7,000-pound a term all-girls school and wanted to make sure I spent my time studying rather than giggling over guys.”
Oxunub: 354 defe • Əlavə Etdi: Anonim
Əlavə Edilib: 13-07-2021 13:07:01
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